EINDHOVEN; The Evoluon, Eindhoven goes green as part of Tourism Ireland celebrations of the Ireland’s National Holiday St Patrick’s Day. Joining the Evoluon are over 100 iconic building around the world which have all gone green such as the Pyramids of Giza, the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio, the Sydney Opera House, Niagara Falls, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Table Mountain in South Africa and the Empire State Building in New York. Eindhoven will see a new flights launch on April 1st with Ryanair to Ireland West Airport Knock
ANP PRESSLINK **Foto en bijschrift vallen buiten verantwoordelijkheid van de Algemene Nieuwsdienst van het ANP. Foto is vrij van rechten en mag alleen redactioneel gebruikt worden in de context van het bijschrift.** Photo/foto: Wim Hollemans